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Marketing Project Management: The Ultimate Guide 2024

Marketing Project Management

Too consumed into chasing marketing timelines and delivering high-quality content?

Well, handling marketing projects can undeniably give you sleepless nights. Tight deadlines, back-and-forth feedback with changes, and last-minute scrambles can drain you from any enthusiasm or productivity at work.

But guess what? There’s something that can save the day!

A top-notch marketing project management planning and tracking system! Yes. A robust system can turn the tables for you and simplify your daily life comfortably. Working with a plan enables you to set crystal clear workflows, establish task responsibilities, and define task priorities right from the start. This helps deadline-driven marketing teams to kick off their projects successfully.

In this blog, we will look at what marketing project management is, its five phases, the key responsibilities of a marketing project manager, and much more.

What Is Marketing Project Management?

Marketing project management refers to planning, managing, and delivering marketing projects with ease. Examples of marketing projects include advertising, search engine optimization, email marketing, and social media marketing.

Handling such projects implies controlling how these projects will move forward right from their stage of initiation to closure. You may be required to manage tasks, resources, timelines, priorities, scope, quality, budget, and much more to attain the desired results.

What Are the Key Responsibilities of a Marketing Project Manager?

A marketing project manager leads the team to the finish line successfully. But this path is not free of pitfalls. It involves controlling the different elements or pillars of a project. Why? Because if even one element or pillar wobbles during project execution, your project stands at risk.

But what are these elements that come under the responsibility of a marketing project manager? Let’s take a look at them.

  • Project scope: The project scope defines the objectives, deliverables, or requirements that you and your team must accomplish for project success. A key responsibility of a project manager here is to ensure that your project stays within the scope and that the team does not start working on client requirements that are beyond the pre-defined scope.
  • Resources: While creating a project marketing plan, you also chart out the resources that you will need to complete the project. For this, you assess the resource availability and distribute them across various tasks. To optimally distribute them, analyze their productivity level first. Once done, you must clearly establish the results that you expect from them.
  • Timelines: Project management marketing relies on the timely delivery of expected outcomes. Thus, deadlines hold paramount importance. As a manager, you keep track of how projects are progressing. In case of any gaps, you adjust workflows accordingly and ensure that you deliver projects without the slightest delay.
  • Budget: Budgets literally run a project. Being in-charge of delivering a successful project, you control where you allocate funds for the project. People, equipment, materials – these are some of the areas where you need to allocate your budget towards. Thus, while running a project, you must ensure that the cost of utilizing these resources does not exceed the set budget at any stage.

Read More: How to Manage Project Deliverables: 360 Degree Guide

5 Phases of the Marketing Project Management Process

Like any other project, marketing projects to follow a set pattern of working on tasks. Let’s look at the five project management process phases – Planning, Organizing, Execution, Control, and Delivery.

1. Planning

Your project marketing plan forms the foundation on which your marketing campaign or event will stand, survive, and thrive.

To start with, you create a product backlog to understand the reach, customer base, and reactions of the customers to the previous marketing campaigns, and learn about the factors that made them a success, failure or mediocre.

Here, you also define clear project goals and objectives. Goals are the long-term outcomes you wish to achieve as a company, like “Improving brand awareness” or “Increasing revenue.” Objectives are the short-term actions you take as a company, like “Launching a campaign” or “Getting over 1000 survey responses.”

Then, you develop a creative briefing after a detailed discussion with your team and prepare a requirement specification document. You now move on to the next phase – Organizing.

Read More: 15 Best Project Planning Tools and Software List

2. Organizing

This is arguably the most crucial stage of the project management process.

In this, you map out the following:

  • Project deliverables such as product campaigns or ads
  • Tasks required to complete the deliverables
  • Budget required to achieve the set results
  • Due dates for each task
  • Task prioritization

Here, you also delegate the tasks to team members and define the workflow that teams must follow for the timely completion of tasks.

Remember, in project management marketing, time is key. Thus, you and your team members must ensure strict adherence to timelines throughout the project.

3. Execution

Execution is the stage where the real work happens. The team works on allotted tasks, and managers monitor and track the entire process.

For smooth-sailing projects, ensure that workflows are clearly defined. This helps team members stay accountable and work on tasks as desired. Clear-cut workflows also ensure that team managers and leaders are able to track how projects are progressing and trace roadblocks if any.

Also, marketing team project management is incomplete without conducting routine meetings and discussions to evaluate the outcomes of an initial set of processes. So, during these meetings, everyone measures the progress and quality of work and makes strategy adjustments where necessary.

4. Control

Project management in marketing involves a very rigorous process of controlling everyday activities. Merely setting the project schedule and asking everybody to follow it will not lead anywhere. Marketing trends are changing every day. There’s a new product or service launch every day.

So, how do you ensure that your product or service stays ahead and garners the attention it is seeking?

Yes! By adapting to the existing needs. And here is where project control comes into the picture.

As marketing managers, you hold regular market assessments. Do you need to mold your strategy? Do you need to re-arrange task priority as per the market need? These are some things you must consider.

Also, you need to keep a close watch on project workflows and processes. Making sure that all the activities are carried out as planned and any new updates are passed on to the entire team is a must.

So, create project status reports regularly to keep a close check on the progress. You can leverage the power of good marketing project management software, such as ProProfs Project, that offers actionable reports on project and team performance. Using the tool will enable you to centralize all your marketing data on one easy-to-access platform. 

This way, you can easily create project schedules, visualize projects, and stay on top of real-time progress effortlessly. You can even make quick adjustments to customize workflows on the go. Also, this eliminates juggling between different tools for project visualization, performance mapping, and team collaboration.

The best marketing project management software for your business will let you:

  • Extract data-driven reports on project status
Extract data-driven reports on project status
  • Collaborate with team members across teams and departments
Collaborate with team members
  • Set up advanced functionalities for tasks
Set up advanced functionalities
  • Automate client billing by tracking employee’s productive hours
Automate client billing
  • Get real-time alerts and notifications for project updates
real-time alerts

Here’s an example of ProProfs Project to help you gain a better understanding of how a tool can transform marketing project management and make handling everyday workflows a breeze.

make handling everyday workflows

In this image, you can see the Kanban board view. We have taken only two workflows to help you understand its functioning easily. So, here we have two tasks, i.e., one  within “Open” and one task within “Complete.” The Kanban task cards hold information about the task title, its assigned users and followers, and the task due dates. The cards also clearly display the percentage of progress made within a task. Looking at this board, you can easily grasp where the project stands at a glance. And this is exactly the kind of ease we are referring to that comes with using a project management tool.

If you want a bird’s eye view of all your project’s tasks, you can switch to the Gantt chart with a single click. This is what a Gantt chart view will look like:

Gantt chart

This view also clearly states the tasks and subtasks of a project in the vertical sidebar. The horizontal bar charts next to the task titles indicate the timeframe of a task and also display the percentage of work completed within a task. Thus, workflows are clear and teams can achieve project success easily.

Thus, you can make project execution and control easier and take your projects to the finish line successfully using the right tool.

5. Delivery

In this phase, you finally deliver the project, keeping client feedback and suggestions into account.

Though it may seem like this step marks the end of the entire process, there can be many loose ends that you must tie up. These may be stakeholder sign-off, budgetary analysis, etc. This phase also requires you to capture lessons learned to execute better-performing projects in the future. 

So keep a tab of everything that worked well for your project or didn’t work well. This will enable you to analyze and implement lessons learned smoothly.

And here is where marketing program management comes to an end, at least until the next project!

This view also clearly states the tasks and subtasks of a project in the vertical sidebar. The horizontal bar charts next to the task titles indicate the timeframe of a task and also display the percentage of work completed within a task. Thus, workflows are clear and teams can achieve project success easily.

Thus, you can make project execution and control easier and take your projects to the finish line successfully using the right tool.

Instill Project Management Skills and Responsibilities Into a Marketing Team

So, how do you instill project management skills and responsibilities into your marketing team? The question might send you off on a spree of no return! But don’t worry. We have collated some simple tips to incorporate into your project management practices. Take a look.

  • Include your team in every stage of the project. What is the purpose of the project? Why are you adjusting workflows halfway through the project? Answer these questions while managing your project. This helps team members work with greater purpose and responsibility toward the goal.
  • Set milestones. This will help you mark a key task as important and map overall project progress easily. It will also help team members track their efficiency.
  • Do not micromanage. Delegate tasks and keep track of their progress. If you feel a team member is lagging behind, then be patient and speak to the team member, asking them for an update. Help them in whatever way you can to extract their best potential.
  • Communicate regularly with team members. This gives them a better sense of accountability and ownership, leading to higher productivity and better-performing projects.

Integrate these tips and commence your next marketing project with a blazing start!

The Benefits of Effective Marketing Project Management

Wondering what results you can expect with project management for marketing? Here are some proven benefits of effective marketing project management.

  • Improved accountability & productivity: When task workflows and responsibilities are clearly defined, team members work with a sense of accountability. This also helps them be more productive with their everyday tasks.
  • Better control over processes: Project management for marketers survives on real-time visibility. This process visibility allows team members to spot gaps and take corrective measures to control how work moves forward.
  • Increased transparency into timelines, resource availability, etc.: Project managers must stay on top of scheduled timelines and resource availability. This enables them to accurately schedule future projects and optimally distribute resources.
  • Enhanced team collaboration: Marketing team project management sustains seamless team collaboration. With this, team members are able to discuss roadblocks instantly and work together to achieve a common goal.

Overall, effective marketing program management helps rule out chaos from your daily workflows and brings consistency and efficiency to your processes.

Lead Better Marketing Projects from Start to Finish

Marketing project management is not an easy feat. As a manager, you must keep up with everything that is going on within a project. A project’s tasks, resources, timelines, dependencies, priorities, and everything must be looked into with precise attention to detail.

Keep an eye out for any inconsistencies within the workflows because if even one crucial element slips through the cracks, you are in for potential project failure.

Also, here is where using reliable project management software comes into the picture. Using a tool to set schedules, delegate responsibilities, and monitor progress simplifies project management for marketers. It lets you analyze key project metrics and adjust workflows to suit existing needs.

So, support your project management practices with the right tool and kick off your project for sure-shot project management success!

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About the author

David is a Project Management expert. He has been published in elearningindustry.com, simpleprogrammer.com. As a project planning and execution expert at ProProfs, he has offered a unique outlook on improving workflows and team efficiency. Connect with David for more engaging conversations on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.