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What are Project Constraints and How to Manage Them

What are Project Constraints and How to Manage Them

Working on a project is enough of a stress on its own – a whole bunch of tasks and ideas flying all over the place. Things can get especially tiresome and stressful in projects involving larger groups of people. However, things get really complicated with numerous common project constraints that you can stumble upon along...
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50+ Project Management Quotes to Learn From

50+ Project Management Quotes to Learn From

Motivation knows no bounds. When we talk about project management, there are so many times and situations where teams, managers, or even stakeholders look for motivation on how to go about handling tough situations. Some look for strategies and tips, but sometimes reading a quote from a learned individual gives you all the clarity you...
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What Is Lean Project Management? It’s Origin, Principles & Benefits

What Is Lean Project Management? It’s Origin, Principles & Benefits

In many ways, project management is a recent craft; but one that has learned a lot from the world of old manufacturing processes. And project managers are constantly finding ways to implement the knowledge and experiences of 20th-century manufacturing to contemporary project management. With that in mind – lean project methodology is a great example!...
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15 Best Project Management Best Practices for Managers in 2024

15 Best Project Management Best Practices for Managers in 2024

With technologies and engineering methodologies changing radically, project management has become more complex.  As a project manager, you can easily understand the complexity and importance of the whole process. As per the reports, 41% of the projects executed in 2017 were highly complex projects. Complex or simple, projects play an important role in marching towards...
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A Guide to Waterfall Project Management Methodology

A Guide to Waterfall Project Management Methodology

There are many approaches to project management, especially in software development. Among these, waterfall project management is one of the more interesting ones, seeing as it stems from the old days of the construction and manufacturing industries; it was not specifically designed with software development in mind. So, what is the waterfall methodology? Essentially, we’re...
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