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Workflow Diagram: What, When, Types & Steps to Create One

Workflow Diagram: What, When, Types & Steps to Create One

A workflow goes hand in glove with an organization’s final goals and objectives. It is the pictorial representation of a project’s path, right from project initiation to its closure. The layout defines the tasks, activities, and milestones to be accomplished while moving the project to its finish line. Perfecting an ideal workflow diagram is not...
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Gantt Chart Dependencies: Types and Importance

Gantt Chart Dependencies: Types and Importance

Picture this: You are constructing a new house. Before building the structure, you will lay the foundation. It cannot happen the other way round, as making the structure is dependent on laying the foundation.   The same scenario and rationale apply to the field of project management. There is no such thing as solitary activity or...
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16 Best Visual Project Management Tools for 2024

16 Best Visual Project Management Tools for 2024

Think back to the time when your team was confused about pre-defined project goals and objectives. Or when you couldn’t trace the path of a project’s workflow and had trouble finding and fixing bottlenecks on time. The most common reason for this is the lack of a project visualization mechanism. This is where a visual...
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Workflow Optimization – 10 Ways to Streamline Your Systems to Get More Done

Workflow Optimization – 10 Ways to Streamline Your Systems to Get More Done

A project is as successful as its workflow. When you streamline processes and direct the team vision towards a shared business goal, the chances of project derailment are reduced. But is there something that can significantly contribute towards a sure-shot project’s success? Yes! Workflow optimization. Each project is unique and consequently calls for a unique...
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Best Scrum Tools for Effective Project Management

Best Scrum Tools for Effective Project Management

Scrum tools which are based on agile project management methodologies, were initially focused on software development.  These tools have now proven to be effective for all types of development teams by boosting product quality, enhancing collaboration, and contributing towards increased productivity.  All of these advantages have made businesses switch to Scrum agile methodologies.  But before...
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The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Optimization for 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Optimization for 2024

Running a project successfully without a hitch is a skill very few project managers have. Sometimes you have the best-laid plan to work on a project but still fail to deliver the project as expected. You may even have the best resources to work on a project and fail to deliver the project on time....
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What Are the Best Project Management Techniques and How to Use Them

What Are the Best Project Management Techniques and How to Use Them

Let’s be honest: juggling multiple tasks and deadlines can feel like herding cats. Being a part of the project management teams over the years, I’ve worn many hats while managing different projects. Through trial and error (mostly error at first!), I’ve discovered a toolbox of project management techniques that have saved my sanity and countless...
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15+ Team Communication Tools for Fast-Growing Organizations

15+ Team Communication Tools for Fast-Growing Organizations

Let’s take a hypothetical situation that doesn’t involve team communication tools for managing projects.  You bring together a highly competent workforce with the best skill set for a major project. Once the team members are on board, you go ahead and assign tasks, allocate resources, and define the deadlines.  Since you have the workflow plan...
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17 Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams

17 Best Collaboration Tools for Remote Teams

Engaging with team members from all over the world can be confusing, complicated, and hectic. While some team members may struggle with being productive, others might face a communication gap. As a project manager, you may even find yourself struggling to track time effectively and deliver successful projects. These are common challenges faced by remote...
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Most Common Virtual Team Challenges and How to Solve Them

Most Common Virtual Team Challenges and How to Solve Them

A virtual team is a win-win scenario for both the employer and the team member. As an employer, it is your best shot at hiring talent from across the globe. As a team member, you get to impart your skills to the best of companies without moving countries and cities. A remote team is flexible...
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