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Project Time Management: Process & Strategies to Improve Time Management

Project Time Management: Process & Strategies to Improve Time Management

Project time management refers to skills, tools, and techniques, which businesses use to manage time while working on project activities. ‘Time’ and ‘Deliverables’ are the two major factors that you need to take care of during the project life cycle. It is so because clients evaluate success or failure by considering the timeframe in which...
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Project Integration Management: A Complete Guide

Project Integration Management: A Complete Guide

Success is not merely a flash in the pan. It needs consistent, improved efforts to keep things moving and on track. However, while sometimes poor resource planning may cost you delayed project deliveries, other times there may be turf wars for high-level task responsibilities. Also, sometimes, creating clear channels of communication or feedback can be...
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10 Project Manager Roles And Responsibilities

10 Project Manager Roles And Responsibilities

To keep your business competitive in the long run, you must be good at handling projects. It will not only improve your business’s stability but also uplift the odds of getting new projects, which points to a better growth rate. To handle projects appropriately, you must have sufficient experience under your belt. This is where...
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Stay Productive With Foolproof Work From Home Tips

Stay Productive With Foolproof Work From Home Tips

Employees have always been the lifeblood of businesses, as they unlock the door of success by combining their dedication with multitasking skills. This is the main reason why companies, especially global ones, strive to maintain healthy relationships with their top-performing employees. Can you guess the major factor that keeps employees connected with brands, besides a...
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Project Management KPIs to Track in 2024

Project Management KPIs to Track in 2024

Every business owner has some desires, and the most common ones are: Improving sales growth exponentially  Staying two steps ahead of competitors  Joining Fortune 500 for global recognition  These desires are mere wishes if you don’t strive to fulfill them, right? So, keep your cards close and track what matters most, to emerge as a...
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17 Best Productivity Tools for Marketers for 2024

17 Best Productivity Tools for Marketers for 2024

Marketers today are facing incredible competition. In the field of digital marketing, the amount of developed content is mammoth. Without adopting some smart ways to make processes faster, it is very difficult to keep your productivity up.  A research conducted in 2015 has suggested that nearly 45 percent of the paid activities can be automated...
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Best Ice Breaker Games for Your Team Meetings

Best Ice Breaker Games for Your Team Meetings

So you’re planning an important team meeting, and there’s a lot riding on this meeting. How do you ease everyone into the meeting, and pave the way for a productive discussion? In this blog post, we will share 13 great ice breaker games that you can use to loosen everyone up and start your meeting...
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Project Management Metrics Every Manager Needs to Track

Project Management Metrics Every Manager Needs to Track

The life of project managers has always been tough, and it gets irksome when they have a tight time window and budget.  ‘Do clients care about this?’ The answer is ‘Big NO’. Clients just want timely delivery of promised project deliverables, and this puts more pressure on project managers. Now, this fact begs the question:...
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What is Project Management Framework & How to Choose a Framework?

What is Project Management Framework & How to Choose a Framework?

Of late, Project Management has gained increasing traction in the industry, and rightly so. Thanks to the Project Management Framework, Project Managers can plan projects systematically and strategically, meet deadlines, and most importantly, not just meet but exceed client expectations.  In simple words, a Project Management Framework refers to a set of methods, procedures, and...
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