David Miller


David Miller

Project Management Expert |

David is a Project Management expert. He has been published in elearningindustry.com, simpleprogrammer.com. As a project planning and execution expert at ProProfs, he has offered a unique outlook on improving workflows and team efficiency. Connect with David for more engaging conversations on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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Articles by David Miller

Top 10 Task Management Software in 2024

Managing projects is certainly not an easy task. And when you’re managing them across departments, it can lead to chaos and confusion. So, how do you effectively manage tasks and ensure timely completion? A robust task management software can bring clarity to projects, centralize communication, and track workloads, tasks, and time spent, all from one...
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A Comprehensive Guide to Write a Successful Project Outline

The success of any project is largely dependent on how it is initiated and executed.   Creating a detailed project outline while keeping the end goal in mind lays a solid foundation for the project. An outline will help you identify your goals, tasks, and timeline to stay organized and complete your project. Without it, the...
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Project Initiation: A Guide to Start Your Project

Begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey, American author and educator. This statement has a direct link to project initiation. Want to know how? You see when you don’t lay the foundation of a project in the right way from the start, you expect to see roadblocks all along the way. And there...
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Gantt Chart

“Can you brief me about the progress on that project?” “Oh, was there a defined due date for the task?” “Well, I was too busy to grasp how the project was moving forward.” Do you often experience such things at the workplace and can’t help but deal with these issues that affect the quality and...
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Must-Have Project Management Software Features Explained

If you ask a fellow project manager to recount what goes behind delivering a successful project, you both may get too overwhelmed with the flashback! Poor cross-department collaboration, widening project scope, shifting priorities, and delayed deadlines are a few roadblocks project managers tackle daily. If you start managing everything manually, you only welcome missed deadlines...
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Delegating Tasks in 2024: 10 Proven Tactics for Project Managers

As a project manager or team leader, you encounter a mix of experiences in your role. There are days when managing projects is effortless, almost as if everything is flowing smoothly on its own. But sometimes, there are challenging days when the influx of task is so overwhelming that you might consider calling in reinforcements...
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Top 11 Agile Project Management Software in 2024

As a project manager, your job is to plan and guide your team toward successful project completion. However, real-life situations can bring unexpected challenges and uncertainties. Things change all the time, especially when you’re working with different teams and departments. In dynamic scenarios like these, the need for agile project management becomes clear. The best...
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SMART Goals: Definition, Benefits, How to Write & Examples

As a business manager, some of your goals may include completing the deliverables on time and within budget, checking project quality, and exceeding the last quarter’s results. But there’s something not quite right with these goals that would prevent you from achieving them. These goals lack a clear-cut, measurable aim. No wonder it’s hard to...
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Top 9 Project Portfolio Management Software in 2024

Embarking on a new project is exciting but with multiple ongoing projects, overseeing and aligning them strategically with your organization’s objectives can be quite challenging. That’s where a good portfolio management software solution can come in handy! This software simplifies the complex task of managing numerous projects. So, you can oversee a collection of projects,...
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Agile Planning: What Is, Its Characteristics, & How It Works

Shifting priorities, unexpected events, and resource reallocation – are only a few of the challenges you face while managing large and complex projects. As project managers strive to find new ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness, many are turning to agile methods. Agile planning helps you deliver the project in short, manageable sprints. This prevents...
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