David Miller


David Miller

Expert Writer |

David Miller, an Expert Writer at ProProfs, has over 12 years of experience as a consultant and business strategist. His narratives on project management, leadership, and personal development are featured on platforms like Jeff Bullas, HR.com, and eLearningIndustry. David mentors & contributes innovative insights to ProProfs’ blogs. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

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Articles by David Miller

How to Manage Project Deliverables: 360 Degree Guide

Don’t we all love to maintain good relations with our clients? Yes, be it a big or small project, we strive hard to achieve excellent output and look forward to enhanced business growth.  But reality reveals a different story altogether. According to a study, only 37% of projects are delivered in time. Your final project...
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What is Scope Creep and Learn How to Manage Them

The progress of a project can be as unpredictable as the weather- you never know when a new requirement comes up and dwindles the foundations of the project.  Project scope creep has come across as a nightmare for most managers as it can add to an already stressed team with no leverage in terms of...
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Different Project Management Terms Beginners Should Know

Project managers, who have just begun working on a project, may find it really stressful and time-consuming to manage multiple tasks, especially if they don’t know the basics.  Imagine you get a promotion as a project manager and are now solely responsible for various management tasks. If you have just entered this field, there is...
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Buyers Guide: How to Choose the Project Management Software

Imagine this: You take up a new project with a new client. You set up meetings to understand and plan the project execution strategy. You adopt project management software to ensure workflow is streamlined and all project deadlines are met. But, you overlooked a few factors: The software didn’t have a reporting feature, making it...
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How to Manage a Project Team: 6 Ways You Didn’t Know Helped

Imagine you have a diverse set of people in your team, each coming from different backgrounds. They have a different way to work, and their work ethics might differ from what you have set for yourself.  Now, as a project manager, how would you feel about this? There are two ways to deal with such...
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Why Differentiate Between Project Goals and Objectives?

Are project goals and project objectives both the same thing? Yes? Then, why so?  If not, then again, why do you think these two terms are different? Taking a broader outlook, most people tend to use the words ‘project goals’ and ‘project objectives’ interchangeably. But, there is a world of difference between the two. Let’s...
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How to Set Your Project Goals?

Setting accurate and realistic project management goals is essential to ensure a hassle-free execution. Why? Let’s take the example of New Coke that was introduced in 1985 to get a clearer picture: So, in 1985, Coca-Cola introduced “New Coke”. They did their research and changed the drink formula to make it taste better, or so...
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What Is Cost Management in Project Management

How often do your projects end up exceeding their budget? Do you feel that planning cost management in project management is a futile exercise as no project ever sticks to its projected costs? Well, if your answer is a yes, we’re not surprised, considering 24% of project professionals believe that unrealistic budgets hamper projects. However,...
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Key Elements & Components Of Project Management

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” – Abraham Lincoln. Considering that your project is to ‘chop down a tree,’ this is how your ideal approach should be for Elements of Project Management. It emphasizes how the planning phase of ‘sharpening the axe’...
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What is Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) in Project Management? Type & Guidelines

WBS (work breakdown structure) is a method to make complex projects more manageable. It means breaking down a project into tasks and subtasks so that there is no room for confusion in the future. This is usually practiced by project managers to simplify the process of execution of tasks during the scope of the project. ...
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